- Games I'm Really Excited For
These are the games I'm really, really looking forward to, and have either already pre-ordered or will most likely pre-order once an official release date is given.
1. Fallout: New Vegas
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: RPG/First-Person Action
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date (NA): Fall 2010
If you like Fallout 3, you'll probably like this game. This game promises to be very similar to Fallout 3, but with slightly tweaked and improved gameplay, and a whole new story, location, and characters. Obsidian is developing the game using the main Fallout 3 engine, but they've said they have made some improvements to make V.A.T.S. and other things work better. Obsidian is known for having good story and dialogue in their games, so that coupled with Fallout 3's gameplay should be really good. No official release date has been given yet, but look for it in fall (most likely November) later this year.
2. Brink
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: FPS
Developer: Splash Damage
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date (NA): Fall 2010
Brink looks like it's going to be a very creative and original FPS. One part Call of Duty, one part Mirror's Edge, one part Battlefield, one part Team Fortress 2, one part Quake, and one part modern art (which I usually dont like, but it looks cool here). The story seems original and the gameplay definitely looks fresh and exciting. Hopefully Splash Damage can pull it off and start off a new IP with a great new game. Look for it this fall (probably September or October)
3. Rage
Platform: PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: FPS/Racing
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date (NA): TBA 2010
A post-apocalyptic FPS from the makers of the Doom games. An asteroid hit earth and now everyone who's left is doing whatever it takes to survive. This game also has racing elements, with inspiration taken from racing games such as the Burnout series. Not many details have been released yet, and the lack of any new information makes me think that this game might not be out in 2010 at all. It's just a hunch right now, but dont be surprised if this one gets pushed back to 2011.
4. Super Mario Galaxy 2
Platform: Wii
Genre: 3D Platformer
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date (NA): May 23, 2010
The follow-up to the smash hit Super Mario Galaxy, this game finds Mario once again cruising through space, but with some new features. The big one is the inclusion of everyone's favorite little green dinosaur, Yoshi. This might not sound like much, but it actually adds a lot of cool gameplay elements. Now I just have to finish the first one by May 23!
5. Portal 2
Platform: PC, Mac, Xbox 360
Genre: 3D Puzzle/First Person Action
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Release Date (NA): Holiday 2010
The sequel to the surprisingly popular Portal should finally be arriving this year. Unlike the first Portal, which came packaged with the Orange Box and was only a few hours long, this one will be a full retail game by itself. GLaDOS, Chell, and the Aperture Science Labs all return, along with much more. Portal 2 should be out before Christmas (probably sometime in November). You can pretty much count on this game being a HUGE SUCESS.
6. Batman: Arkham Asylum 2
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: Third Person Action/Adventure, Stealth
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Publisher: Eidos Interactive/Warner Bros.
Release Date (NA): TBA
This one is probably still a ways off, but I loved the first game and am really looking forward to what Rocksteady is going to do with second one. Hopefully they will find the right balance of adding enough new stuff for it to feel fresh, but not taking it too far from its roots. And please, no Robin (even though rumors are he's going to be in it).
7. Rock Band 3
Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2
Genre: Music/Rhythm
Developer: Harmonix
Publisher: MTV Games
Release (NA): Holiday 2010
Besides the fact that there will probably be 60+ new songs that come with this (hopefully some good ones), I have a feeling that we'll see the three-part harmony feature from Beatles Rock Band make its way into this game for many of the songs. That is especially great for parties, because now you can have 6 people playing instead of just 4. Hopefully we'll some other cool new features too besides just new songs and harmonies.
8. Half-Life 2: Episode 3/Half-Life 3
Platform (unconfirmed): PC, Xbox 360, Mac
Genre: FPS, Puzzle
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Release Date (NA): Valve has just confirmed it will probably be out by 2030... just kidding. Sometime in 2011 (hopefully).
Fans have been waiting for this game for what seems like forever now. Although it is still technically "Half-Life 2: Episode 3," the fact that it's been in development for so long has led some people to believe that it has become a full game and Valve will eventually announce that it is now just Half-Life 3. Either way, it should be great.
- Games I'm Somewhat Excited For:
These are games I am still looking forward to, but for some reason have some reservations about. Whether or not I get most of these games will depend on the reviews and whether or not my friends get them (if the game contains multiplayer).
Fable III
Platform: Xbox 360, PC
Genre: Third Person Action/Adventure, RPG
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date (NA): Holiday 2010
Fable games have a history of getting my hopes up pre-release, and then disappointing me once I play them. Fable II, while not a bad game, definitely did this to me. But, like clockwork, when I start to read about some of the stuff that will be in Fable III, I start to get excited about it. It will also most likely include some Natal support, which should be interesting.
Alpha Protocol
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Obisidian Entertainment
Publisher: SEGA
Release Date (NA): June 1, 2010
This game has been delayed several times, but it looks to finally be coming out in June. It's a spy-RPG set in modern times with real time combat. It looks like it will have a lot of customization options for you character too, from how he looks to what kind of skills he has. Hopefully all the delay time will pay off and this game will show everyone what Obsidian is capable of if given enough time to properly finish a game.
Alan Wake
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: Third Person Action/Adventure, "Psychological Thriller"
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date (NA): May 18, 2010
Another game that has been years in the making with plenty of delays. I'm not quite sure what to make of this one. It looks like an action/horror game with a good story. I'll wait for the reviews on this one, but I hope it does well.
Monster Hunter 3 (or Tri)
Platform: Wii
Genre: Action RPG
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date (NA): April 20, 2010
This game has been out for a while in Japan, and it has sold really well there and done well critically too. You and up to 3 friends (online) basically run around and hunt giant monsters in all sorts of environments. Once killed, you can use parts of the monster to upgrade your equipment if you desire. It is an RPG too, so you also level up and have skills and stuff like that (from what I understand). People love it in Japan, so it'll be interesting to see how it does over here. Assuming it gets good reviews, I'm hoping some of my friends might get it too, since most of them have Wiis that they never use.
Halo: Reach
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: FPS
Developer: Bungie
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date (NA): Fall 2010 (probably around September)
I'm a bit divided on this game. It's a Halo game, so of course I'm going to get it, and some of the new things they've shown look kind of cool. But the multiplayer trailer looks a lot like Halo 3 with just those new things. Hopefully I'll see I'm wrong in the beta coming in May, but I already payed $60 for a Halo game that wasn't worth that much (ODST), and I'm hoping I wont have to do it again.
Metroid: Other M
Platform: Wii
Genre: From what I understand, a mix of 2D Platforming/Action, 3D Action, and FPS
Developer: Project M (a mix of Team Ninja and Nintendo)
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date (NA): June 27, 2010
Another game I'm not quite sure what to expect from. A mix of several genres, a lot of the game is played like a classic 2D Metroid game, while other parts are 3D third-person combat that supposedly feels a lot like Ninja Gaiden. This game is still much of a mystery, but I'll be keeping an eye on it.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2
Platform (unconfirmed): Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii
Genre: Third Person Action
Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Release Date (NA): TBA
I had mixed feelings about the first one, but overall liked it. The gameplay and graphics were great, and it's always a blast to be a jedi. Hopefully this game will keep those good parts while improving on them and other parts. Some multiplayer game modes would be nice too.
Crackdown 2
Platform: Xbox 360
Genre: Third Person Action, Sandbox
Developer: Ruffian Games
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Release Date (NA): July 6, 2010
The first Crackdown was a lot of fun, and this one looks like it's going to improve on it in every way. The campaign is being designed so up to 4 players can play through the whole thing together, and there is also going to be online multiplayer (things like deathmatch, etc.) All the previews of this game seem to be very positive so far. Whether or not I get this will depend on if any of my friends do, since (even though you can play through it by yourself) it sounds like they're really designing it with co-op in mind.
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: FPS
Developer: Raven Software
Publisher: Activision
Release Date (NA): Summer 2010
Another game that's been delayed several times, it has a cool concept but everything will depend how it's executed within the game. This game gives you a device that lets you control time in either direction (forward or backward) on objects. For instance, if you come to a bridge that's out, you can rewind time on it to a time when it was once still serviceable. Or you can fast forward time on your enemies to turn them to dust and ash. Apparently you'll be able to do this to lots of stuff in the game. The concept sounds really cool, but we'll see how well it works. Raven's last FPS, Wolfenstien (2009), wasn't that great, and FPS shooters that have tried to let you control time (think Timeshift) haven't usually worked that well. We'll see though.
Dead Space 2
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Genre: Third Person Shooter, Survival/Horror
Developer: Visceral Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date (NA): Late 2010-Early 2011
I only played a little of the first one, but what I played I really enjoyed. While there still aren't a lot of details on this game yet, it will apparently focus a little more on action and a little less on horror (though it still should be scary). Also, there is going to be a multiplayer mode, though they haven't given any details on that yet though. Hopefully it will be a versus mode like L4D. How cool would it be to have 4 engineers have to fight off players playing as necromorphs?
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii (all through DLC)
Genre: 2D Platformer
Developer: Dimps, Team Sonic
Publisher: SEGA
Release Date (NA): Summer 2010 (for the first episode)
Sonic 4 is finally coming through 3 downloadable episodes, the first of which comes this summer. The original Sonic games for the Sega Genesis are still amazing and really fun to play, and it looks like for Sonic 4 they've gone back to their roots, only with really pretty HD graphics this time (unless you're playing on a Wii). This game will only be available through the Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Store, and WiiWare, and (as stated before) will be broken up into 3 "episodes". Hopefully this will finally be the good Sonic game everyone's been waiting so long for (the last several 3D Sonic games have sucked).
Well, those are the games I'm excited for as of March 2010. Thanks for reading, and hopefully you've gotten some ideas for games you might plan on getting later this year (and even into 2011). As always, I love getting comments, and if you were to make your own list on a blog or something, I would love to read it. Also, I reserve the right to add games to this list if I think of them later or if someone points one out to me I forgot. Thanks!